Steve's Corner

“Steve’s life experiences gives him the unique ability to empathize and help others.”

— Doreen R , Wrestling Lifetime Achievement Honoree

I look forward to sharing my thoughts with you on my Blogs. If you find my articles in “Steve’s Corner” useful and would enjoy reading more on a particular topic, I’m up for the challenge! Submit your topic suggestions and look for it in upcoming blogs.


POSSIBILITY THINKING- why it can change your life

POSSIBILITY THINKING- why it can change your life

Everyone should aspire to move beyond the mindset of the impossible and transition into dreaming about the never before imagined or done. The speed of your development will depend on your willingness to evolve and pursue the unlimited possibilities life has to offer.

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The Lies We Tell Ourselves

The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Humans have a tendency to be dishonest about deficiencies or to give a pass for not following through on what you should be doing. Staying in this pattern will result in missing opportunities or delaying your development.

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Upcoming Post in Steve’s Corner:

PURSUE MEANING: happiness will follow 

PURSUE MEANING: happiness will follow

Next Scheduled Blog Post:









My Mission & Goal

To provide superior services that empower clients to achieve desired outcomes and thrive - personally, professionally and in wellness




P.O. Box 86 Waunakee, WI 53597

