“So many things are possible as long as you don’t know they are impossible.”
"There is no reason for any individual to have a computer in their home."
-Ken Olsen, 1977
"It is an idle dream to imagine the automobile will take the place of railways in the long distance movement of passengers."
-American Road Congress, 1913
"There is no likelihood man can ever tap the power of the atom."
– Robert Millikan, 1920
"The phonograph is of no commercial value."
-Thomas Edison, 1880
"I think there is a world market for about five computers."
-Thomas Watson, 1943
Whenever I read the above quotes, I am astonished at the thought of how many dreams have been squandered or hindered by limiting thinking. Can you envision the potential of humans if every individual pushed beyond or exceeded their perceived limitations? It is reasonable to assume that Henry Ford, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, or Bill Gates did not buy into viewing the world in a limited perspective.
Over the years, I have seen many people accept the status quo or are uncomfortable challenging how something is being done. I recently had a discussion with a person representing a delivery service. I challenged their procedures and his response was, “In my tenure at this company, that is how we have always done things.” To be kind, those words should be in a training manual on how not to manage a company. Unfortunately, this is a common pattern and many people in decision making positions have a fixed mindset. Developing your ability to influence others and becoming comfortable working through resistance will help move your ideas forward.
Why should you become a possibility thinker and a person that gets things done?
Create Optimism and Open Up Your Mind
When you think and feel like anything is possible, you begin to dream and build momentum in your mind. When you remove the idea of impossible from a task, this opens up your mind to think you can accomplish anything. Seeing the limitless possibilities in life will help you start viewing everything and everyone as an opportunity for learning and growth.
Change Your Brain
Pursuing opportunities is an excellent way for you to expand your knowledge. Your brain becomes more developed (neuroplasticity) as you are exposed to new experiences.
Attract Others
Other like minded people will be attracted to your enthusiasm and vision.
Create Possibilities For Others
Possibility thinkers often create opportunities for themselves and others.
Rise Above Mediocrity
When you become a possibility thinker, you do not set limitations on yourself. This way of thinking elevates your standards and expectation in your mind.
Build Confidence
Builds your confidence to stand alone on a topic and challenges the status quo or popular thinking.
Help To Not Live in The Past
Dwelling on the past keeps you in the mindset that created your past and often will give you more of the same results in the future. Establishing possibility thinking will help you eliminate the tendency to dwell on the past and transition your focus on the potential of yourself in the current and the future.
How Can You Act On Your Ideas?
Tip 1: Have a clear and compelling vision of your goal
When you are very clear on your idea, you will likely inspire and attract people to your vision.
Tip 2: Communicate your idea with passion and conviction
Unless you are a one man crew, you need to sell your idea to others with enthusiasm and passion.
Tip 3: Have a safe way to explore and expand your ideas
The theory, bullets before cannonballs, is a safe, cost effective way to test your ideas. This is a recommended approach before you significantly invest in an idea or have a complete dive in the water approach. Another effective strategy is to do you due diligence and research your idea. You can discover if others are doing something similar and how you can expand on the possibilities and potential of your idea.
Tip 4: Have unwavering buy-in
If you waver on your idea, you will lose support and commitment from others.
Tip 5: Develop leadership skills
Possibility thinkers should develop leadership skills to learn how to influence others and sell their ideas. An effective strategy is to sell the notion that acting on possibilities will prevent mediocrity and complacency.
Tip 6: Don't be discouraged by naysayers
Final thoughts:
The speed of your development will depend on your willingness to evolve and pursue the unlimited possibilities life has to offer. Everyone should aspire to move beyond impossible thinking and transition into dreaming about the never before imagined or done. One of the best ways to become a possibility thinker is to seek out successful mentors and they can inspire and expose you to the abundant possibilities in yourself and the world. A good mentor can convey a level of expectations and standards that likely exceed your own. Learning from others is where the ideas for what is possible comes and then it is up to you to turn your vision into reality.